Please print this document and mail to:

The Guide Horse Foundation

2729 Rocky Ford Road

Kittrell, NC 27544


The Guide Horse Foundation

Phase I Application

Part I – General Information

Full Name ((Mr. Mrs. Ms. Miss), last name, first name, middle name)


Maiden Name or aliases (if different from above)


Home Address:


City_____________________________________ State_____________________


Phone (include area code)

Home Phone_________________________________

Work Phone__________________________________

Fax ________________________________________

e-mail _______________________________________


Date of Birth______________

Marital Status (single, married, divorced) ____________

No. of Children_____ Ages____________

Part II - Medical History

General Health (rate from 1-10) ______________

1 – Outstanding physical condition for my age

3 – Healthier that most other people my age

5 – Average health for my age

7 – Chronic physical problems

10 – Totally physically disabled

Existing Physical problems

Please list all problems for which you have visited a doctor in the past three years





Please list all prescription medications that you are currently using




Medical insurance


Policy Number____________________

Medicare/Medicaid policy number _____________________________

Mental History

(Note: Answering yes to the any of these questions does not disqualify the applicant.)

Have you ever been involuntarily hospitalized for mental problems? __________

Have you ever been treated for psychiatric problems? __________

Have you ever been treated for substance abuse? __________


Visual History

Cause of Visual Loss_____________________________

Date of Onset________________________

Visual Acuity:

Right Eye____________________________

Left Eye_____________________________

Visual Field:

Right Eye_____________________________

Left Eye______________________________

Have you been trained to cane? _________________

Have you been trained use a Guide Dog? __________

If yes, please list schools, date of training, and years working with a dog:






Please describe your typical weekly activities outside the home. Include the amount of time spent walking with a cane, and the amount of time spent per week in each activity

Outside of Home Activity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Time spent per week









Orientation & Mobility Training History

Agency Name . . . . . . . Dates of Instruction . . . . . Instructor Name . . . . Instructor phone





Rehabilitation Services History

Agency Name . . . . . . . Dates of Instruction . . . . . Instructor Name . . . . Instructor phone





Part III – Personal History


School .......................................Degree.................... Year







Employment History

Employer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Job Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Inclusive Dates







Criminal History

Please list all criminal convictions, misdemeanor or felony, the date of the offense and the outcome.




Personal References

Please list the names of three friends or acquaintances.

Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Relationship to you . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Phone number




Statement of Interest

In the space below please describe how a Guide Horse would assist you in your daily activities. Also describe why you would prefer a horse for your guide and your expectations of your Guide Horse.





















I understand that the Guide Horse Foundation has sole authority for accepting or rejecting all applications. I also understand that upon approval of this application, another detailed application and an on-site interview will be conducted before my acceptance for training. This application is given with the understanding that it does not obligate the Guide Horse Foundation to supply me with a Guide, and does not obligate me to accept a Guide from the Guide Horse Foundation.

Signature of Applicant__________________________________________________________________



Social Security Number___________________________


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Guide Horse ® is a registered trademark of the Guide Horse Foundation Inc.